Replacing the Side Repeater Light Assembly on an Aston Martin DB9

The Side Repeater Lights on my DB9 have discolored to a Yellow’ish from the UV in the harsh California sunlight.  I know, this concept is completely unfathomable to my readers in the UK, and probably a design issue the factory never considered – “Sunlight?  Bahh – just make it waterproof you twit – this is England”.  When I purchased my car from the DPO (Damn Previous Owner) it had the issue quite notably on just the left hand side assembly.  I can presume he parked the car during the day with that side facing South.

old-and-new-aston-martin-db9-side-marker-light-assembliesThe side repeater light is a turn indicator light mounted on the side of each front fender/wing.  When new, the plastic assembly is a clear lens with some white.   As you can see in this photo, the old one has got that ugly faded yellow plastic color compared to the bright, fresh and clean look of the new one. Continue reading “Replacing the Side Repeater Light Assembly on an Aston Martin DB9”