Installing the Intake Manifolds into an Aston Martin DB9

Without a doubt the most difficult part of changing my spark plugs and coils packs (I was dealing with a Lumpy Idle misfire) was removing the giant and beautiful Intake Manifolds.   Really it boiled down to the huge PITA it is to get to the rear most bolts, but at the end it was manageable.   When it’s time to reinstall the manifolds it would be easy to say “Installation is just the reversal of the steps to remove it”.   In many ways it is, but there are all sorts of tips I can share along the way to make the process go easier for you. Continue reading “Installing the Intake Manifolds into an Aston Martin DB9”

Removing the Intake Manifolds from an Aston Martin DB9

intake-manifold-removed-from-an-aston-martin-db9The intake manifolds in a DB9 are big and beautiful, blanketing most of the engine bay, so access to anything underneath usually requires removing them.  Some of the reasons you’d need to remove them include changing your Coil Packs and Spark Plugs (as I am doing at the moment).    In this post I am covering the actual final steps of unbolting the manifolds (which is a bitch of a challenge), sharing some tips on how to finagle them out of the tight spaces without breaking off the sensors, and unhooking the unseen vacuum hoses. Continue reading “Removing the Intake Manifolds from an Aston Martin DB9”

Preparing the Intake Manifolds for Removal from an Aston Martin DB9

To remove the Intake Manifolds you must first disconnect the Ancillaries

You might need to remove the Intake Manifolds from your DB9 for many service reasons including the need to change your Coil Packs and Spark Plugs.  The process of removing them is fairly involved, and requires disconnecting a crapload of auxiliary items before you can actually remove them.  In this article I will cover what defines a crapload. Continue reading “Preparing the Intake Manifolds for Removal from an Aston Martin DB9”

Parts Needed to Change the Coil Packs and Spark Plugs in an Aston Martin DB9

Parts Needed for Changing the Coil Packs and Spark Plugs on an Aston Martin DB9
The bits you’ll need

If you have a lumpy idle with your DB9 (like mine was as detailed in this blog post) or are just doing a scheduled service that requires changing the plugs, it will be helpful to know all the parts you’ll need.   Of course, you’re sitting there going ‘Duh – I need spark plugs to change spark plugs you idiot’.   Yes, that’s true, but you also need a small assortment of other bits and bobs to put it all back together Properly. Continue reading “Parts Needed to Change the Coil Packs and Spark Plugs in an Aston Martin DB9”