Aston1936 Holiday Gift Ideas

If you are an Aston owner and your Sweetie is looking for gift ideas – let me help.  I know, this is a bit of a departure from ‘how to change your oil filter‘, but I’ve been thinking about the plight of your spouses and friends trying to figure out what gift to get someone that probably already has their ultimate toy.

What I’ve come up with is a list of  easy to purchase and hopefully well received gift idea that many Aston owners would appreciate.  The prices range from under $10 USD to a little more, so even a young son or daughter can get a gift idea on an allowance.

This list includes a number of items for owners that work on their cars themselves a bit.  Perhaps they wash their own cars, or change their own oil.   The ideas here can make tasks like that a little easier.   Some of the ideas are more universal and work for any owner.

I figure you’ll spot something you like on the list and forward the link to this blog to your Sweetie to steer them in the right direction [that way Santa will know exactly what you want – wink].

If you have any suggestions to add to the list, please leave a comment below or contact me.  Here is my list for 2021. Continue reading “Aston1936 Holiday Gift Ideas”

Thank You for Brunch!

One of the great things about this hobby is that it helps other Aston owners out with their projects.  From time to time people ask if they can do something nice in return (which isn’t necessary) but I understand.  This led me to create the Donate page (linked above) where kind contributors could pick out a nice treat for me and my Sweetie.   I’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity – Thank You! Continue reading “Thank You for Brunch!”