Aston Martin AMDS VCI Cable

AMDS Laptop, VCI module and Cable

I admit it – I have a problem.  I am an OBDII addict.  I love to learn more about the ‘electronic technology’ that is inside my 2005 Aston Martin DB9 (or really any Gaydon era Vantage, DBS, Rapide, Virage or Vanquish).   I started my OBDII habit with my Autel MD802, then moved on to the Foxwell NT510, and then a ThinkDiag.  All those were gateway drugs until after a 2+ year search I was able to source an actual Aston Martin Dealer System (AMDS) computer, VCI module and cable.  Nirvana achieved.

One unique part to that system is the Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) cable.   It is a bespoke  Y-cable, one end links to the VCI module, and the other has two ends that connect to the two OBDII ports that are in the Gaydon era cars like mine (the Powertrain and Body connectors).   Wanting to learn more about what makes this cable special, I took mine apart to see how its made so that it might help you make one of your own, or repair one that you might already have.  There were a few surprises along the way.


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